BIFAP - Base de Datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en el Ámbito Público (Pharmacoepidemiological Research Database for Public Health Systems)First published 01/02/2024 Last updated 12/11/2024 Data sourceHumanHospital discharge recordsPharmacy dispensing recordsPrimary care medical recordsDownload as PDF
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherBIFAP Diagnosis Tests of Covid-19Linkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients identified with a CIPA in Data sources (Data banks) but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherBIFAP EMRs from Primary CareLinkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients identified with a CIPA in Data sources (Data banks) but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherBIFAP Hospital Diagnosis at in patients dischargeLinkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients identified with a CIPA in Data sources (Data banks) but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherBIFAP Medicines Dispensed at Community PharmaciesLinkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients identified with a CIPA in Data sources (Data banks) but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherBIFAP Vaccines Covid-19 administered National RegistryLinkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients identified with a CIPA in Data sources (Data banks) but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherCauses of Death national registryLinkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier. In the Causes of Death national registry persons personal identifiers are different from the CIPA. Therefore, an additional linkage process of the CIPA and the personal identifiers in the Causes of Death national registry (national identitiy number and Others) is performed by the autonomous regions.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients with a record in the Cause of Death national registry but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherHospital Pharmacies dispensing DataLinkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe Personal Identification Code for the Autonomous Community (CIPA) is the variable used in the Autonomous Communities for the combination or linking of the different records for the same patient (primary care records, pharmacy dispensing records, hospital discharge diagnoses and Other Data banks). Subsequently a pseudonymisation procedure is carried out: the CIPA is eliminated by the computer technicians of the autonomous community, maintaining a pseudonymised identifier that distinguishes each patient from the Others in BIFAP. At the AEMPS, the Patient ID is finally generated from the first identifier.Linkage completenessOnly patients included the Primary care medical records (PC-MR) and identified with a CIPA (the single linkage variable) are linked to the Other Data sources in BIFAP. Therefore, completeness is 100%. On the Other hand, any patients identified with a CIPA in Data sources (Data banks) but not having a PC-MR are not included in BIFAP.
CDM nameBIFAPCDM website…CDM release frequency6 months