Study type

Study topic

Human medicinal product

Study type

Non-interventional study

Scope of the study

Safety study (incl. comparative)

Data collection methods

Secondary data collection
Non-interventional study

Non-interventional study design

Study drug and medical condition

Name of medicine, other

First-generation antipsychotics, Second-generation antipsychotics

Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code

(N05AA01) chlorpromazine
(N05AA02) levomepromazine
(N05AA03) promazine
(N05AA04) acepromazine
(N05AA05) triflupromazine
(N05AA06) cyamemazine
(N05AA07) chlorproethazine
(N05AB01) dixyrazine
(N05AB02) fluphenazine
(N05AB03) perphenazine
(N05AB04) prochlorperazine
(N05AB05) thiopropazate
(N05AB06) trifluoperazine
(N05AB07) acetophenazine
(N05AB08) thioproperazine
(N05AB09) butaperazine
(N05AB10) perazine
(N05AC01) periciazine
(N05AC02) thioridazine
(N05AC03) mesoridazine
(N05AC04) pipotiazine
(N05AD01) haloperidol
(N05AD02) trifluperidol
(N05AD03) melperone
(N05AD04) moperone
(N05AD05) pipamperone
(N05AD06) bromperidol
(N05AD07) benperidol
(N05AD08) droperidol
(N05AD09) fluanisone
(N05AE01) oxypertine
(N05AE02) molindone
(N05AE03) sertindole
(N05AE04) ziprasidone
(N05AE05) lurasidone
(N05AF01) flupentixol
(N05AF02) clopenthixol
(N05AF03) chlorprothixene
(N05AF04) tiotixene
(N05AF05) zuclopenthixol
(N05AG01) fluspirilene
(N05AG02) pimozide
(N05AG03) penfluridol
(N05AH01) loxapine
(N05AH02) clozapine
(N05AH03) olanzapine
(N05AH04) quetiapine
(N05AH05) asenapine
(N05AH06) clotiapine
(N05AL01) sulpiride
(N05AL02) sultopride
(N05AL03) tiapride
(N05AL04) remoxipride
(N05AL05) amisulpride
(N05AL06) veralipride
(N05AL07) levosulpiride
(N05AX07) prothipendyl
(N05AX08) risperidone
(N05AX10) mosapramine
(N05AX11) zotepine
(N05AX12) aripiprazole
(N05AX13) paliperidone
(N05AX14) iloperidone
(N05AX15) cariprazine
(N05AX16) brexpiprazole

Medical condition to be studied

Bipolar disorder

Additional medical condition(s)

Depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms
Population studied

Short description of the study population

In the primary analysis, all pregnancies identified in the MBRN (Medical Birth Registry of Norway) for pregnancies lasting ≥12 weeks, and primary and secondary care registries for pregnancies lasting <12 weeks. In the secondary analysis, we will restrict to pregnancies identified in the MBRN.

Age groups

Adults (18 to < 46 years)

Special population of interest

Pregnant women

Estimated number of subjects

Study design details

Study design

Cohort study using nation-wide registry data.

Main study objective

To evaluate the association of exposure to second-generation antipsychotics during pregnancy with the risk of spontaneous abortion.


We will use Norwegian nationwide registry data, which consist of the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN), linked to the Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) covering all dispensed medications to outpatients, the Norwegian control and payment of health reimbursements (KUHR) covering primary care contacts and the Norwegian Patient Registry (NPR) covering secondary care contacts through the maternal personal identification number.


Several comparison groups will be employed: 1. Unexposed, diseased comparison group, 2. First-generation antipsychotics during pregnancy (Active comparator), 3. Exposed to second-generation antipsychotics only prior to pregnancy (Discontinuer).


The primary outcome is defined as spontaneous abortions. Elective termination is considered a competing outcome. The secondary outcomes are preterm birth, small-for-gestational-age (SGA), low Apgar score, transfer to NICU, congenital malformations, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, caesarean section.

Data analysis plan

In the primary analysis, we will estimate the hazard ratio with 95% CI with each comparator group, while controlling for measured confounders identified using Directed Acyclic Graphs.