Study type

Study topic

Human medicinal product

Study type

Non-interventional study

Scope of the study

Assessment of risk minimisation measure implementation or effectiveness

Data collection methods

Secondary data collection
Non-interventional study

Non-interventional study design

Study drug and medical condition

Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code

(G04BD12) mirabegron

Medical condition to be studied

Population studied

Short description of the study population

Mirabegron initiators during the years 2012-2016.

Age groups

Adults (18 to < 46 years)
Adults (46 to < 65 years)
Adults (65 to < 75 years)
Adults (75 to < 85 years)
Adults (85 years and over)

Estimated number of subjects

Study design details

Main study objective

The objectives are to assess the effectiveness of the DHPC letter as a risk minimization measure by quantifying the proportions of mirabegron initiators with severe uncontrolled hypertension (primary objective) and the frequency of blood pressure recordings at baseline and during mirabegron treatment, especially in hypertensive patients (secondary objective) before and after DHPC dissemination.


For the primary objective we will assess whether the proportions of mirabegron initiators with documented hypertension (severe uncontrolled hypertension but also controlled hypertension or non-severe uncontrolled hypertension) differ between the time periods before and after DHPC dissemination. For the secondary objective we will asses whether the frequency of blood pressure recordings at initiation and during mirabegron treatment among initiators with documented hypertension at index date differ between the time periods before and after DHPC dissemination.

Data analysis plan

The DHCP letter was disseminated on 7 September 2015. The analysis pre- and post dissemination will take this date as the intervention date. Besides a pre- and post dissemination analysis, incremental changes over time will be assessed using the aggregated data per quarter (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December). To estimate incremental changes in response to the DHPC letter in the proportion of mirabegron initiators with normal blood pressure, controlled hypertension, non-severe uncontrolled hypertension and severe uncontrolled hypertension at index date (primary objective), an interrupted time series approach will be applied on the respective proportions in each quarter.The frequency of blood pressure recordings will be assessed before initiation of and during mirabegron treatment (see section 9.3.4). Blood pressure recordings at or before index date (up to 6 months) will be reported separately from the recordings during treatment.
Study results
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