Exposure to SSRI/SNRI and depression in pregnancy and long-term childhood outcomes: the effect of modifying factorsFirst published 04/10/2021 Last updated 23/04/2024 EU PAS number: EUPAS43416StudyOngoing
Centre for Maternal, Fetal and Infant Research (MFIR), Ulster UniversityUnited Kingdom (Northern Ireland) First published: 31/01/2023Last updated 20/03/2024 InstitutionEducational InstitutionENCePP partner
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPSGermany First published: 29/03/2010Last updated 26/02/2024 InstitutionNot-for-profitENCePP partner
Swansea University Medical SchoolUnited Kingdom First published: 01/02/2024Last updated 01/02/2024 InstitutionEducational InstitutionHospital/Clinic/Other health care facility
Ulster UniversityUnited Kingdom (Northern Ireland) First published: 01/02/2024Last updated 20/03/2024 InstitutionEducational Institution
The Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region (FISABIO)Spain First published: 01/02/2024Last updated 05/11/2024 Institution