CharacTeristics of treAtment response to hIgh dose ICS/LABA vs. Medium or high dOse ICS/LABA + LAMA in patients with uncontRolled moderate to severe asthma on medium dose ICS/LABA - TAILOR studyFirst published 19/11/2021 Last updated 02/05/2024 EU PAS number: EUPAS39039StudyOngoing
Aarhus University & Aarhus University Hospital DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGYDenmark First published: 20/07/2021Last updated 02/04/2024 InstitutionEducational InstitutionENCePP partner
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS), University of OxfordUnited Kingdom First published: 01/02/2024Last updated 01/02/2024 InstitutionEducational InstitutionHospital/Clinic/Other health care facility
Società Italiana di Medicina Generale e delle Cure Primarie (SIMG) First published: 01/02/2024Last updated 01/02/2024 InstitutionPatient organisation/association