Collaboration on Quality Improvement Initiative for Achieving Excellence in Standards of COPD CareFirst published 01/02/2024 Last updated 17/10/2024 Data sourceHumanDisease registryPrimary care medical recordsDownload as PDF
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherHospital Episode Statistics (HES)Linkage strategyDeterministicLinkage variableThe CONQUEST database could be linked to other data sources using individual patient NHS numbers. Specifically for England Hospital Episodes Statistics HES data linkage, the linkage variables are patient NHS numbers, date of births, sex and unique OPCRD study ID. OPC would perform the linkage of the required dataset and run or perform the analysis of the dataset on behalf of the applicant and supply the applicant with an anonymised (aggregated and small-number suppressed) output dataset for further analysis.Linkage completenessEstimated linkage completeness is 60-80%, though true percentage will be determined upon actual linkage.