Study type

Study topic

Human medicinal product

Study type

Non-interventional study

Scope of the study

Effectiveness study (incl. comparative)

Data collection methods

Secondary use of data
Non-interventional study

Non-interventional study design


Non-interventional study design, other

Population-based nested case-control
Study drug and medical condition

Name of medicine


Name of medicine, other

Gardasil 4

Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code

(J07BM01) papillomavirus (human types 6, 11, 16, 18)
papillomavirus (human types 6, 11, 16, 18)
(J07BM03) papillomavirus (human types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58)
papillomavirus (human types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58)

Medical condition to be studied

Respiratory papilloma

Additional medical condition(s)

juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
Population studied

Short description of the study population

Inclusion Criteria:

-Birth cohorts 2008 to 2020
- The study subject (child) must be born and resident in Sweden, Denmark or Norway as defined through the Total Population Registry for their entire life.
- The study subject must be between 0 to 9 years of age
- The child's mother had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated with GARDASIL/GARDASIL 9 at least one year prior to delivery.

Exclusion Criteria:
- Children whose mother immigrated to Sweden, Denmark, or Norway both after 2006 and after age 9 years
- Adopted children, as the vaccination status of the actual, biological mother will be missing.
- Children whose mother received the bivalent vaccine Cervarix, since it provides no effectiveness against the causative HPV types (6 and 11) in RRP.
- Any child (case or control subject) who previously received any HPV vaccine

Age groups

Paediatric Population (< 18 years)

Estimated number of subjects

Study design details

Study design

Population-based nested case-control study

Main study objective

To assess if the odds of juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (JoRRP) are lower among children whose biologic mothers were fully vaccinated with GARDASIL/GARDASIL 9 at least one year prior to delivery versus unvaccinated mothers.


Nordic population, patient, and vaccine registries.


Random selection of up to 100 controls per case from the underlying population at risk, using incidence density sampling procedures. Matching criteria will be age of mother (+/- 1 year), sex of child, calendar year of case diagnosis, and region where case was diagnosed.


A subject will be defined as having JoRRP if he/she has > or =1 hospitalization or outpatient record with diagnosis registered as D14.1, with appropriate topography/morphology codes (where possible to obtain from pathology/cancer registry), between 0-9 years of age

Data analysis plan

Conditional logistic regression will be used for estimation of odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals in the pooled analysis using 1-step approach, with adjustment for clustering and adjustment for relevant covariates; all measured with similar high accuracy in each country.