Study type

Study topic

Disease /health condition
Human medicinal product

Study type

Non-interventional study

Scope of the study

Assessment of risk minimisation measure implementation or effectiveness

Data collection methods

Secondary use of data
Non-interventional study

Non-interventional study design

Study drug and medical condition

Study drug International non-proprietary name (INN) or common name


Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code

(R03AL04) indacaterol and glycopyrronium bromide
indacaterol and glycopyrronium bromide

Medical condition to be studied

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Population studied

Short description of the study population

Population of patients ≥40 years of age with at least one year of valid database history and a recorded diagnosis of COPD. Valid database history means that there is at least one year of database history for a patient. This means that the patient was registered with the GP since at least one year but also that the GP is providing data to the database for at least one year as well. For all patients an eligibility date will first be defined, which is the latest of the following dates: reaching 40 years of age, having one year of data in the database and having fulfilled the criteria for a diagnosis of COPD. Diagnoses of COPD may be searched in the entire available prior history of a patient.

Age groups

Adults (18 to < 46 years)
Adults (46 to < 65 years)
Adults (65 to < 75 years)
Adults (75 to < 85 years)
Adults (85 years and over)

Special population of interest


Special population of interest, other

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients

Estimated number of subjects

Study design details

Main study objective

To assess the incidence rates and relative risks of selected endpoints in association with QVA149 exposure in a broader, real-world COPD population.


Primary endpoints of interest are 1) Major cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction (MI) stroke, hospitalizations due to acute coronary syndrome orheart failure), 2) Ischemic heart disease including MI and angina pectoris, 3) cerebrovascular events (ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke and (TIA)), 4) Cardiac arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation/flutter and ventricular arrhythmia, The secondary endpoints of interest are 1) (Narrow-angle) Glaucoma, 2) Bladderobstruction/urinary retention/incident BPH, 3) Diabetes Mellitus, 4) Bronchospasmand 5) all-cause mortality

Data analysis plan

Cox regression will be used to estimate both crude and adjusted relative risks (expressed as hazard ratios HRs with 95% CIs), allowing for time-varying exposures.All analyses will be performed for each database separately. Effect estimates will be pooled across the databases, using a random effects approach. In addition, a pooled mega-analysis will be done by combining the data sources on a patient-level and adjusting for the database.As secondary analysis, subsequent episodes, with or without treatment, will be taken into account. The anchor drug will be used as reference category, HRs of the events will be estimated for all other treatment categories compared to this reference. In addition, a sensitivity analysis will be conducted only considering the first treatment episode during follow-up in patients naïve to both QVA149 and all comparator drugs.Specific patient groups will be studied via stratified analysis on age, gender,underlying CV co-morbidity and COPD severi
Study results
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Study report
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