Study type

Study topic

Disease /health condition
Human medicinal product

Study type

Non-interventional study

Scope of the study


If ‘other’, further details on the scope of the study

The clinical characteristics of patients initiating evolocumab in Spanish Hospital Endocrinology Units, and how is their clinical management

Data collection methods

Secondary use of data
Non-interventional study

Non-interventional study design


Non-interventional study design, other

Retrospective Observational Study
Study drug and medical condition

Study drug International non-proprietary name (INN) or common name


Medical condition to be studied

Population studied

Short description of the study population

Patients with hypercholesterolemia, who initiated evolocumab as part of routine clinical management of their hyperlipidaemia, from February 1st, 2016 to April 30th 2017, by an specialist in an Hospital Endocrinology Unit in Spain.

Age groups

Adults (18 to < 46 years)
Adults (46 to < 65 years)
Adults (65 to < 75 years)
Adults (75 to < 85 years)
Adults (85 years and over)

Special population of interest


Special population of interest, other

Patients with hyperlipidaemia

Estimated number of subjects

Study design details

Main study objective

To describe the main clinical characteristics of patients with hyperlipidemia initiating evolocumab in Hospital Endocrinology Units


LDL-C pre-initiation of evolocumab, Diabetes status at evolocumab initiation, year of diagnosis, insulin and/or oral hypoglycemic treatment, retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy or diabetic foot), FH status at evolocumab initiation, Demographic and clinical variables at evolocumab initiation, Family medical history at evolocumab initiation, Medical history and CV risk at evolocumab initiation, Laboratory parameters over time, Clinical Factor/s that determined evolocumab prescription at initiation, use of evolocumab and other lipid-lowering therapies over time

Data analysis plan

Analyses will be performed on all included subjects who fulfill all the selection criteria. All summaries of the data will be descriptive in nature. For categorical variables the frequency and percentage, with 95% confidence interval, will be given.Summary statistics for continuous variables will include the number of subjects, mean, median, standard deviation or standard error, 25th percentile (Q1), 75th percentile (Q3), minimum, and maximum.For the outcome measure of LDL-C and other laboratory values over time, the data will be assigned to predefined time-points according to specific windows detailed in the protocol.Statistical analyses will be descriptive only. No statistical inference or imputations of missing data are planned.
Study results
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