Access and validation

Governance details

Documents or webpages that describe the overall governance of the data source and processes and procedures for data capture and management, data quality check and validation results (governing data access or utilisation for research purposes).

Biospecimen access

Are biospecimens available in the data source (e.g., tissue samples)?


Access to subject details

Can individual patients/practitioners/practices included in the data source be contacted?


Description of data collection

Each table of the data source has their own mechanism of collection and recording of data. Some of the EHR are created by the physicians, some of them by administrators, documentalists, etc.
Event triggering registration

Event triggering registration of a person in the data source


Event triggering registration of a person in the data source, other

Any contact with the health system triggers the registration of the person

Event triggering de-registration of a person in the data source

Insurance coverage end

Event triggering creation of a record in the data source

Most of them are created when a contact with the health system is produced. In other cases, such as pharmacy data, when the prescription is created or when the dispensing is produced. Each table of the data source has their own triggers
Data source linkage


Is the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources (prelinked data source) and/or can the data source be linked to other data source on an ad-hoc basis?


Linkage description, pre-linked

The linkage among all the data sources is produced by an ID pseudonymized number. In addition, the prescription and dispensing are linked at prescription level. Moreover, in the birth registry there is a linkage between the mother and the newborn through their ID numbers

Linked data source 1

Pre linked

Is the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?


Data source, other

All data sources that composes VID (01_SIP, 02_PCV, 03_CEX, 04_MBDS, 05_AED, 06_DIAGNOSES, 07_GAIA, 08_SIV, 09_MDR, 10_PMR, 11_EOS, 12_TESTS, 13_CONG and 14_REDMIVA) have a linking ID number that identifies uniquely each person

Linkage strategy


Linkage variable

ID number (sip) for all the bases. Prescription number (receta_id) for the prescription and dispensing linkage

Linkage completeness

The completeness of id number is 100% for each database, except for the birth registry, where the ID number of the newborn is always completed but the ID number of the mother is missing in a 18% of the cases.
Data management specifications that apply for the data source

Data source refresh


Informed consent for use of data for research

Possibility of data validation

Can validity of the data in the data source be verified (e.g., access to original medical charts)?


Data source preservation

Are records preserved in the data source indefinitely?


Approval for publication

Is an approval needed for publishing the results of a study using the data source?


Data source last refresh

Common Data Model (CDM) mapping

CDM mapping

Has the data source been converted (ETL-ed) to a common data model?


CDM Mappings

Data source ETL CDM version


Data source ETL frequency

6,00 months

Data source ETL specifications (file)

Data source ETL status


Data source ETL specifications (link)

Data source ETL CDM version


Data source ETL frequency

6,00 months

Data source ETL specifications (file)

Data source ETL status

In progress

Data source ETL specifications (link)