SAIL DatabankFirst published 01/02/2024 Last updated 17/10/2024 Data sourceHumanPrimary care medical recordsBirth registryDeath registryOtherDownload as PDF
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>YesData source, otherNumerous datasets from multiple sources linked.Linkage strategyProbabilisticLinkage variableNHS number, name, date of birth, gender, postcodeLinkage completenessVaries by dataset; >99% for key datasets
Pre linkedIs the data source described created by the linkage of other data sources?>NoData source, otherSAIL's system enables linkage of additional datasets as acquired by SAIL or brought in for specific projects. Any Welsh data with required demographic fields can be processed and linked to existing datasets in the system.Linkage variableNHS number, name, date of birth, gender, postcodeLinkage completenessVaries by dataset