Study identification


EU PAS number


Study ID


Official title and acronym

Study about the results of the addition of a sulfonylurea, DPP4 inhibitors or SGLT2 inhibitors as a second antidiabetic drug in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in treatment with metformin and insufficient glycemic control. (eControl Met +)

DARWIN EU® study


Study countries


Study description

Main objective:To compare the proportion of patients that achieve the reduction of HbA1c of at least 0.5%, and weight reduction of at least 3%, after the addition of a sulfonylurea, an DPP-4i or an SGLT-2i to the treatment with metformin in patients with T2DM and insufficient glycemic control up to a maximum of 24-month follow-up period.Methodology:Retrospective longitudinal cohort study with a maximum of 24-month follow-up period. Data will be collected from SIDIAP databases, which obtains data from electronic health care records of 75% of the Catalonia population attended in Primary Care facilities. We define as study population, patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus on treatment with metformin and insufficient glycemic control that initiate treatment with a sulphonylurea, a DPP-4i or a SGLT-2i as a second antidiabetic drug during 2010-2015. The 3 cohorts will be formed and matched by propensity score technique according to age, sex, HbA1c and weight at the time of inclusion. Main determinations: Weight and Hb1Ac during 6, 12 and 24 months of follow-up and baseline characteristics for demographic variables and comorbidities related to their addition to the prescribed treatment. Statistical analysis: For the main analysis it will be used, the regression model of the mixed effects line and the COX models for the estimation of incidence and risk rates. Each dependent variable will be adjusted for baseline demographic factors and for predictive factors.Expected results:The data obtained from this study will improve the knowledge about the effects of the addition of a second oral antidiabetic.Relevance: There is a need for a large-scale observational study to know the effects of the three most common strategies for the second therapeutic choice for T2DM in real practice conditions.Keywords: Complications, glycemic control, type 2 diabetes mellitus, treatment.

Study status

Research institution and networks


Contact details

Josep Franch-Nadal

Primary lead investigator
Study timelines

Date when funding contract was signed


Data collection


Start date of data analysis


Date of interim report, if expected


Date of final study report

Sources of funding
Pharmaceutical company and other private sector 

More details on funding

Study protocol
Initial protocol
English (903.57 KB - PDF)View document

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Not applicable