Institution identification


Institution ID


Institution full name and acronym

UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London

Institution countries

United Kingdom

Type of institution

Educational Institution

Institution website

ENCePP partner

Institution description
The Centre for Paediatric Pharmacy Research (CPPR),established in April 2002,is a fruitful collaboration between UCL School of Pharmacy,the Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH). In addition,the specialist resources of universities and hospitals nationwide are utilised collaboratively to provide a focus for the training of health care professionals in the optimum use of medicines for children. Research conducted includes the development of age-appropriate formulations,aspects of clinical pharmacy,drug safety and pharmacoepidemiology,and pharmacogenetics. CPPR participates in four FP7-funded projects,one of which is the Global Research in Paediatrics Network (GRiP). Furthermore,CPPR was the UK coordinating Centre of the FP6-funded Taskforce in Europe for Drug Development in the Young (TEDDY). The Centre has been conducting paediatric pharmacoepidemiological studies since 2002,and will continue to focus research in this area.
Institution details
Experience with collecting data directly from individual patients or respondents:
Interest in carrying out research that is funded by pharmaceutical companies:
