Institution identification


Institution ID


Institution full name and acronym

Health Search, Italian College of General Practicioners

Institution countries


Type of institution

Educational Institution

Institution website

ENCePP partner

Institution description
The Italian College of General Practitioners (SIMG) is a scientific society aimed to promote the role of General Practice within the National Health System. The main activities are focused on education and research. Research is mainly developed throughout the Health Search network,based on: (1) a school in which primary care physicians (PCPs) receive training and shares the same standards for recording electronic patients information,(2) a database Health Search/CSD longitudinal patients database (HSD),where PCPs collects patients information. The group working with HSD data is a multidisciplinary team of epidemiologists,statisticians and IT experts,it provides value-added services to: (1) the PCPs who contribute to the HSD,(2) the stakeholders that are interested in using this research tool. Health Search-SIMG is currently involved in several national and multinational research projects on drug safety and drug utilization,HTA and health services research studies.
Institution details
Experience with collecting data directly from individual patients or respondents:
Interest in carrying out research that is funded by pharmaceutical companies:
