Institution identification


Institution ID


Institution full name and acronym

Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research, The Human Motion Institute

Institution countries


Type of institution


Institution website

ENCePP partner

Institution description
The vision of the Human Motion Institute is to improve human health by evidence-based decision support tools for diagnosis and treatment through a better understanding of the specific nature of human motion and its consequences for mind and body.The core of the institute is the development of an open collaborative technology platform for the mobile medical monitoring of human motion. This leads to a biomedical data warehouse for collecting,archiving,analysing,and disseminating human motion data including a library of algorithms. Key underlying scientific areas of computational medicine are: mathematics,physics,biostatistics,biomedical engineering,computer science,and imaging.Key medical areas are: Neurological (degenerative diseases e. g. MS - with the Ian McDonald MS Database of the Sylvia Lawry Centre for MS Research,Parkinson’s disease) and other disabling diseases (Muscoskeletal disorders & Osteoporosis,CAD etc.)
Institution details
Experience with collecting data directly from individual patients or respondents:
Interest in carrying out research that is funded by pharmaceutical companies:
