Institution identification


Institution ID


Institution full name and acronym


Institution countries

United Kingdom

Type of institution

Laboratory/Research/Testing facility
Non-Pharmaceutical company

Institution website

ENCePP partner

Institution description
Evidera partners with life science organizations to optimize the market access and value of their products. The Database Analytics team conducts feasibility studies to provide clients with a critical assessment of the data options available to identify the datasets that will best meet the client’s needs. The team’s epidemiologists extract ‘real-world’ data from existing healthcare information sources and assess, among Others, treatment patterns, drug and resource utilization as well as incidence and prevalence of diseases and co-morbidities. Finally, Evidera’s researchers have expertise in using and retrospectively analyzing data from a variety of databases in Europe and compiling database coding algorithms. Evidera’s work lacks the bias that the majority of competitors have based on their association with a single data source and, according to a 2009 survey, its various scientific teams are viewed by biopharmaceutical companies as the best in the industry.
Institution details
Experience with collecting data directly from individual patients or respondents:
Interest in carrying out research that is funded by pharmaceutical companies:
