Institution identification


Institution ID


Institution full name and acronym


Institution countries


Type of institution


Institution role


ENCePP partner

Institution description
INSPIRE srl is an academic spin-off of the University of Messina, also accredited at University of Verona: the main aim of the spin-off is the design, development and marketing of innovative algorithms to predict diagnosis of diseases (especially rare diseases) and treatment response using machine learning and big data analytics techniques with large healthcare databases as well as innovative hardware and software to manage chronic diseases, addressed to patients, healthcare professionals, institutions, pharmaceutical companies, etc.
This Spin-Off can provide two main products: a) Digital tools (apps and other digital tools) developed based on the need of General Practitioners/Paediatricians, specialists, other healthcare professionals, and also patients, if necessary, for the management of different diseases through Real World Data analyses; b) Innovative predictive diagnostic algorithms and for the effectiveness and safety of pharmacological treatments based on the analysis of claims databases in order to support decision making of healthcare professionals.
In addition, the Spin-Off can provide the following activities:
a) design and development of innovative products in the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) field, and technology in general; b) the management and provision of services, on its own and/or for third parts (outsourcing), on technological platforms; c) planning of scientific events, seminars, symposia, or training courses, editorial and information activities.
Activities of INSPIRE srl
1. Analyses of clinical databases (e.g., claims databases, family paediatricians database), through specific agreements, to conduct pharmacoepidemiology studies, funded by EMA and private companies;
2. Ad hoc data collection for Real World studies through the use of (web)app;
3. Training, also through the development of digital tools on issues related to the corporate purpose of the Spin-Off, mainly sponsored by pharmaceutical companies;
4. Development of other applications of interest in healthcare (e.g., app for access to information on potential food-drug interactions);
5. Development of predictive diagnostic algorithms and algorithms of treatment response.
Institution details
Experience with collecting data directly from individual patients or respondents:
Interest in carrying out research that is funded by pharmaceutical companies: