Institution identification


Institution ID


Institution full name and acronym

Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena

Institution countries


Type of institution

Educational Institution
Hospital/Clinic/Other health care facility

Institution role

Data holder

Institution website

ENCePP partner

Institution description
Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena belongs to the Andalusian Public Health System (SAS) and serves a population of about 480.000 inhabitants. It is made up of 5 hospital care centers and 47 primary care centers, with about 6000 professionals, 37 Clinical Management Units; 704 372 consultations and 871 beds. It is equipped with a portfolio of highly complex services that stands out for the incorporation of state-of-the-art technologies and it has an important leadership in healthcare assistance, teaching and research activity, within the Andalusian Public Health System, with more than 200 active clinical trials and a Research Unit (Innovation & Data Analysis Unit) solely dedicated to carrying out research and Innovation Projects in the field of Medical Informatics
Institution details
Experience with collecting data directly from individual patients or respondents:
Interest in carrying out research that is funded by pharmaceutical companies:
