Administrative details


Data source ID


Name of data source

Norwegian Linked Health registry at University of Oslo, Pregnancy cohort

Data source acronym


Data holder

Data source type

Birth registry
Hospital inpatient records
Hospital outpatient visit records
Pharmacy dispensing records
Primary care medical records

Care setting

Hospital inpatient care
Hospital outpatient care
Primary care – GP, community pharmacist level
Primary care – specialist level (e.g. paediatricians)

Data source qualification

If the data source has successfully undergone a formal qualification process (e.g., from the EMA, ISO or other certifications), this should be described.


Contact details

Data source regions and languages

Data source countries


Data source languages

Bokmål, Norwegian
Data source establishment

Data source established

Data source time span

First collection: 01/01/2004
The date when data started to be collected or extracted.

Last collection: 31/12/2019
If data collection in the data source has ceased, the date new records last entered the data source.